Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I Choose To Remain A Child On Earth


To Gary who has remained on earth as a child nearly 60 years.

Kim walked briskly up the golden path, deep in thought

and only partly aware of the multitude moving in the same direction.

Each held a special ticket in his hand.

Kim re-read his: "You are invited to attend a special

assembly of elect spirits in the presence of Elohim and Jehovah.

There you will receive further instructions

as to the special part you will play as an individual on the earth."

Kim wondered again why he had been invited to attend.

He looked at those around him, studying each face.

He knew of their great devotion to the cause of freedom,

of their valiant stand during the great battle with Lucifer and his followers.

He spotted among his brothers and sisters those with great talents,

and with virtue beyond reproach.

He was humbled by being associated with such greatness.

In front of the convention sat The Father and The Son,

along with many others Kim recognized as leaders and patriarchs.

He took his seat among the congregation, and

silently evaluated his pre-earth life.

He thrilled at the memory of Elohim

explaining to all his children how

He would build an earth for them to inhabit,

to gain bodies, to be tested and progress to become like the Father Himself.

He shuddered at the bitterness shown by Lucifer when Jehovah himself

was named as king and Savior of the earth.

He mourned over the loss of one third of his brothers and sisters,

shocked that they would follow Lucifer's plan

rather than the Father's plan for free agency.

The organ began to play more softly,

and the stillness settled as Jehovah rose to conduct

this very special assembly.

"We welcome you all, my brothers and sisters,

to this sacred and select assembly of spirits.

Those of you who have been invited here today are among the most choice,

special and valiant spirits children of our Father and Mother.

We commend you for your total devotion to the plan of exaltation,

and the willingness to serve and honor our Father,

which you have shown in this pre-earth life.

"As you know, soon each of you will be assigned

to a time and place on earth where you will have the opportunity

to have a body of flesh and bone, as explained in the Great Council.

For most of the children of Elohim it will be

the use of that body that determines the final assignment

in the third and eternal estate.

For those of you present by invitation today,

the body will be a formality, a necessary step in your exaltation,

but it will have no bearing on your exaltation.

The Father has chosen you as his elect sons and daughters,

because of your valiant and unwavering efforts and great devotion.

You, seated here today, are the chosen perfect spirits of Elohim whom

He will exalt to kings and queens upon your return from earth.

You have proven yourselves beyond reproach and beyond question,

you will become gods and goddesses."

A stir of breath taking sounded above the reverent silence.

Kim shuddered with the thrilling thought and felt comfortable

in the choices he had made so far which had brought him here.

"There are various stations in life which each of you will assume,

and you will be given your choice in which way you wish to serve.

The earth will be full of suffering, sickness, wars, starvation, pestilence,

deformity of mind and body.

Lucifer himself will attempt to thwart the plan of our Father

by destroying as many of the bodies created for His children as possible.

He will use all his means to destroy bodies

to keep them from reaching their eternal goals.

He will cause drugs and abuse to become rampant killers of children,

and as a final resort he will try to destroy the bodies

of unborn children through abortions, drug induced deformities,

diseases and deformities caused by ignorance

and lack of knowledge will be passed on to children

from parents and grandparents.

Lucifer does not understand the power of the Lord.

Elohim will not be thwarted.

Those bodies that will be crippled, deformed,

tortured by illness only to die as little children,

as well as those who inherit strong physical bodies with little mental capacity,

will be assigned to those spirits present here today.

"Some of you will return momentarily after you have

occupied the body prepared for you;

some will suffer in the physical body for a short time and then return;

some with mental incapacities will remain as children on earth

for the lifetime of a man, and still return white as the driven snow,

exalted to godship because of your efforts here.

"We want you to consider these things in your decision,

and know that the longest earth life is as but a moment with Our Father.

We again commend you for your valiancy;

we express our great love for you on this special calling,

and anxiously await your return to our presence."

Kim awaited his interview and final assignment with eagerness.

He was overwhelmed with humility that he had been chosen for this great assignment.

He watched as many of his brothers and sisters took their place on earth.

He watched the suffering of the sick and crippled on earth.

He watched the joy of little children with pure faith in Christ;

and with sadness the progression of some

from simple childhood faith to adult skepticism and apostasy.

The time went quickly in the spirit world,

and as many left, more returned with grand tales of adventure on the earth,

or heavy hearts for their lost estates.

Children returned happy and full of love for earth

and for the Father, and stories of the love of their earthly families.

Cripples returned and were restored to health

and exaltation in the Father's presence.

Some returned instantly, after only a moment of earth life, exalted to godship.

Kim watched the children.

The excitement that they possessed was a thrill to see.

What fun they had had. What pure love they possessed.

The great thrill of earth experience,

even for a few short years was exciting to Kim.

Finally the day for his interviews and assignments came.

Kim had made his decision,

and when the Father asked how he wanted to use his body

in the service of the father,

Kim answered, "I wish to remain on earth as a child."

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